Monday 30 April 2018

DOEACC O LEVEL JAN2013 Solved Paper

                                                                      PART ONE
(Answer all the questions)
1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most
appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question
paper, following instructions therein.                                                                                          (1x10)
1.1 TCP is a commonly used protocol at
A) Applications layer
B) Network layer
C) Transport Layer
D) Physical Layer
1.2 The domain name in an URL refers to the
A) protocol
B) server
C) filename
D) directory
1.3 Cell base architecture is known as
D) Client-Server
1.4 Telnet is
A) Terminal network
B) Telephone network
C) Telecommunication network
D) Terrestrial network
1.5 A software that prevents external access to a system is termed as
A) Gateway
B) Firewall
C) Intrusion Prevention system
D) Anti-Virus
1.6 A valid e-mail address is
1.7 A web publishing tool developed by Microsoft is
A) Navigator
B) Hot Metal
C) Pagemill
D) Front Page
1.8 Which of the following cable types is generally associated with the linear bus topology
A) Unshielded twisted pair
B) Fiber Optic
C) Thin coaxial cable
D) Telephone cable
1.9 Error detection at a data link level is achieved by
A) Parity
B) Cyclic redundancy code
C) Hamming code
D) Equalization
1.10 On Internet, which version of the Internet Protocol is the most widely used
A) Ipv1
B) IPv6
C) IPv2
D) IPv4

2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one
and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following

instructions therein.                                                                                                                 (1x10)

2.1 Web traffic on Internet is transferred using FTP. True
2.2 ASP is the product of Microsoft. True
2.3 Download means to copy a file from your computer to another.False
2.4 When the cursor pointer changes to a hand you are over a hyperlink.True
2.5 SMTP protocol is used by a mail client program to fetch mail from mail server False
2.6 JavaScript is the default scripting language in ASP.False
2.7 ‘HTTPS’ traffic is encrypted traffic. True
2.8 WAN is based on Ethernet.True
2.9 GIF format is suitable to save a full color photograph.False
2.10 A web browser is also referred to as a web client.True

3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/
word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet
attached to the question paper, following instructions therein.                                             (1x10)
                                      X                                                                            Y
3.1 Backbone E. connects two local-area networks                       A. Wireless network
3.2 Wi-Fi A. Wireless network                                                       B. Internet on serial interface
3.3 Ping L. Check network errors                                                  C. Mail
3.4 Throughput K. Communication speed                                     D. Remote access
3.5 SLIPB. Internet on serial interface                                           E. connects two local-area networks
3.6 RDP H. telecommunications network                                      F. File transfer
3.7 POP3C. Mail                                                                            G. Hypertext
3.8 NNTP I. Usenet                                                                        H. telecommunications network
3.9 ISDN F. File transfer                                                                I. Usenet
3.10 BridgeJ. connects large networks                                          J. connects large networks
                                                                                                       K. Communication speed
                                                                                                       L. Check network errors
                                                                                                       M. Routing protocol

4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the
list below. Enter your choice in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question
paper, following instructions therein.                                                                           (1x10)
A. Client program B. Java C. Gateway D. POP3 E. UDP F. CGI G. Web Server H. FDDI I. JavaScript J. VRML K. Search Engine L. Header M. Router

4.1 Router is a device containing software that help in determining the best path out of the
available paths.
4.2 An application receiving data is called Client program.
4.3 A local area network technology that uses fiber optics to interconnect station in a ring
topology is FDDI.
4.4 Search Engine help to locate PDF files on internet.
4.5 A simple protocol used for fetching e-mail from a remote mailbox is POP3.
4.6 JavaScriptwas originally developed by Netscape for client side validation.
4.7 Web Server is used to deliver web pages and other content to multiple users on Internet.
4.8 Virtual worlds are created using a computer language called VRML.
4.9 C. Gateway is an address used as an entry point into another network.
4.10 CGI is a standard way in which the web interacts with outside resources, such as a

1 comment:

O level M@-R4-01-2018

1. A webpage displays a picture. What tag was used to display that picture? (a) pictur (b) Image (c) Img (d) Src 2. <b> tag make...